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I'm Nicola, mum to two boys and wife to a Spurs fan (sorry). Born and bred in North Wales, I moved down to South East England after meeting my other half at university.

I try to write well, fairly often and about topics that either bring a tear in your eye, put a smile on your face, stoke a fire in your belly... or make you want to run into the kitchen and check your cupboard for caster sugar. 

My first ever article for Huffington Post went straight to their front page over Christmas 2016 and I am steadily working my way up the Tots 100 index. I have also been selected as the featured blogger for a number of linkies including #DreamTeam, #Blogstravaganza, #ForTheLoveOfBlog, #TodaysMomentInTime and #SundayBest.

If you have a product or service you would like me to review, or want to request a sponsored post, please get in touch via my contact page.