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Friday 5 April 2019

How To Make Homemade Lemon And Ginger Gin

If I'd known I would do Dry January when I considered making my Lemon and Ginger Gin, I would have delayed the infusion for a few weeks. I only had chance to have one little test sip before I had to relegate it to the booze cupboard, where it would gloat in the darkness for a month. 

This is a real all-rounder of a gin. Ever since having the boys, my taste buds have changed, and I find myself hankering for fewer sweet drinks and more for something with a bit of a kick. I think it must have been all that Schloer and orange juice. 

Usually, the infusions I make tend to suit a particular season. For example, my Sunshine Vodka is just perfect for summer, whilst my Red Berry Rum is the best thing to cosy up with at Christmas (except for maybe a Tom Hardy bedtime story). This gin infusion however, is suited equally well to being supped in front of the TV with the fire roaring, as it is topped up with tonic and slurped on the patio.

If you've read any of my other infusion recipe posts, you'll know they're pretty easy to make. No scary ingredients (except what you choose to use yourself!) and no weird gadgets (this isn't Rusty Rivets). So let's get right to it.


750ml gin
2 lemons, quartered
350g granulated sugar
7-10 cm root ginger, peeled and sliced


1 litre jar/flask with a tight fitting lid
Long-handled spoon for stirring
Plastic sieve
Muslin or a jelly kit for straining

How To Make It

1. Pour the gin into the jar and drop in the lemon quarters. Add the sliced ginger and then pour in the sugar. Use the long-handled spoon to give the mixture a good stir, then seal and place in a cool, dark place to infuse.

2. After 4 weeks, do a taste check. If it tastes sugary, then leave it to infuse for a further fortnight before testing again. The aim is to be able to taste the flavours of the lemon and ginger with as much sweetness as suits your palate, but if it tastes like you've dipped your tongue in the sugar bowl, it's not ready. I don't like it too sweet but feel free to add more sugar to increase sweetness. This won't ruin the drink, but you will have to tolerate the additional infusing time.

3. Once you're happy with the taste, strain through either a jelly-straining kit (if you have one) or a plastic sieve lined with a muslin, into a large bowl. You may wish to repeat this process to improve the clarity of the liqueur and remember not to push the liquid through the muslin as this will make the drink cloudy.

4. Bottle and keep in a cool, dark place as you would other spirits. And enjoy!

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